Public Policy Issues

Action Alert - October 2003 Federal Energy Bill

Please Contact Your U.S. Senators and Reps! The Energy bill is in final negotiations in a House/Senate conference committee. It turns out that one of the issues holding it up is modest incentives for alternative fuels, based on language in the CLEAR Act, HR 1054 and S. 505. This bill includes incentives targeted in three areas: fuel incremental costs, vehicle incremental costs, and refueling infrastructure.

For whatever reason, Rep. Bill M. Thomas (R-Bakerfield, CA), Chair of Ways & Means, is strongly opposed to ALL alternative fuel incentives (not only biodiesel as we thought earlier). It is one of the unfortunate aspects of our law making process that one powerful member, based on whatever narrow interest or opinion that he/she might harbor, may have enough power to wipe out important public policies that would benefit our country and have broad bipartisan support.

Alternative fuel supporters in Washington believe that three Congressional leaders can get Rep. Thomas to back down and clear the way to include the alternative fuel provisions in the final version of the energy bill. They are:

Rep. Dennis Hastert (R-IL), the Speaker of the House

Rep. Tom DeLay (R-TX), the House Majority Leader

Sen. Bill Frist (R-TN), the Senate Majority Leader

Please take just 5 minutes right now and call your member of Congress and Senators DeWine and Voinovich. (see list below). Tell them (or their staff) that you support the modest alternative fuels incentives in the energy bill (part of the original CLEAR Act, HR 1054) for biodiesel, natural gas, propane, ethanol, electric and hybrid electric vehicles. These are modest targeted incentives to encourage use of fuels and purchase of vehicles and refueling stations. Tell them that these provisions will make our country stronger by reducing our dependence and addiction to foreign oil, help clean our air, and support Ohio’s economy by using domestic fuels. Tell them that the issue is important to you and that you want them to encourage Hastert, and DeLay or Frist to use their influence with Rep. Thomas to include the alternative fuel provisions in the bill.

It’s taken a lot of work to get this far. Your help now can make a difference.

Central Ohio’s U.S. Representatives:

Rep. Deborah Pryce:

Phone: (202) 225-2015

Rep. Bob Ney:

Phone: (202) 225-6265

Rep. David Hobson:

Phone: (202) 225-4324

Rep. Patrick J. Tiberi:

Phone: (202) 225-5355

Ohio’s U.S. Senators:

Sen. Mike DeWine:

Phone: (202) 224-2315

Sen. George Voinovich:

Phone: (202) 224-3353

Complete Contact Info for Central Ohio's U.S. Senators and Representatives









Central Ohio Clean Fuels Coalition monitors public policy issues, conducts policy education and works to advance government policies to support American fuels and transportation efficiency. Please take a few moments right now to write or call your elected representatives concerning the current "action alert" on the left side of this page.

Additional Policy Resources

National Clean Bus Network August 2003 Update

Press Release on CLEAR Act

Analysis of Federal Transportation Bill

Green School Bus Action Alert

COCFC's Proposals Regarding State of Ohio Policy

SAFETEA Proposa,l addressing recommendations of the National Clean Bus Network

Additional Policy Related Links

American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy

Environmental and Energy Study Institute

Environmental Defense Fund

National Biodiesel Board

National Ethanol Vehicle Coalition

Natural Gas Vehicle Coalition

Propane Vehicle Council

Union of Concerned Scientists


























Central Ohio Clean Fuels Coalition

930 Kinnear Road • Columbus, OH 43212

Phone: (614) 292-5435 • Fax: (614) 688-4111

[email protected]



Copyright © 2003 Central Ohio Clean Fuels Coalition / kmaX Web Visuals

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